Bible Basics
Welcome! The Bible Basics Podcast is designed to make the Bible approachable and accessible for all, particularly those who are new to the faith or curious about the Bible. Each episode focuses on a specific topic, breaking it down into bite-sized chunks and offering foundational knowledge about the Bible's structure, types, writing, and storyline. The ultimate goal is to increase listeners' comfort level with the Bible and deepen their relationship with God through reading His Word.
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Bible Basics
Daily Grace: Tips and Strategies for a Year in the Scriptures
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Embark on an inspiring journey as we explore reading the Bible cover-to-cover in the coming year. Prepare to uncover a treasure trove of wisdom and a pathway to personal growth through God's enduring Word. Well discuss the heartfelt reasons we might pursue this transformative endeavor, ranging from a hunger for divine guidance to a desire to understand the overarching story of Jesus Christ's love. This episode will equip you with effective strategies that can anchor your daily reading habit. From choosing a plan that resonates with your soul to the practicalities of a consistent reading routine, you'll discover how habit stacking and the support of a reading partner can enrich your spiritual quest.
As we anticipate connecting with God in profound ways in 2024, our conversation turns to the importance of engagement with the scriptures.. So let's come together, bolster our spiritual journeys, and embrace the life-altering power of the Bible, one page at a time.
Reading Plans:
- Bible Study Tools https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/
- Bible Recap https://www.thebiblerecap.com/
- Bible Gateway https://www.biblegateway.com/reading-plans/comprehensive
- Logos Bible Reading Plans
- Daily Audio Bible Mobile
- YouVersion Bible
- Apple: https://www.bible.com/app
- Android: https://www.bible.com/app
- Youtube -
- NLT One Year Bible (Amazon) https://a.co/d/iECdYeg (you can probably get this on Ebay as well)
Episodes Mentioned:
- Allison Johnson - Developing a Lifelong Bible Reading Habit
- How to Develop a Lifelong Bible Reading Habit: The Atomic Habits Approach
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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.
Greetings listeners. Happy first week of 2024. I'm starting my year off strong. You may be wondering what I'm up to. Well, let me tell you, I'm reading the entire Bible in 365 days. That's one year y'all, and I'm excited about this. I'm one week in and already seeing new discoveries and insights, and I'm still in Genesis. Are you considering doing this? Do you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to take this plunge? Well, stay tuned to this episode of the Bible Basics Podcast, where we look at some strategies and tips to get you started on this transformational journey. Well, welcome everyone. I'm your host, Jacqui Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast, where, weekly, we break down the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks.
Jacqui:You might be giving me the side-eye and wondering why I read the entire Bible. Well, there are so many reasons. Here are a few. My number one reason is because God is the author. The Bible is God-breathed.
Jacqui:2 Timothy, 3"16 and 17 says All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of the Lord may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. It's God's word, it's his love letter to us, and I want to know for myself what it says. Additionally, reading the entire Bible is important because the entire Bible is important. What I just read in 2 Timothy referred to all Scripture being useful, not parts of it. In our sermons, sunday school lessons and Bible studies, we focus on snippets of the Bible. Reading the entire Bible will help us to be better able to make connections and put those snippets into the big picture of the Bible. We'll be able to see how the whole Bible points to Jesus. As a wise woman said to me today, it shows you the entire forest as opposed to individual trees. Third, I believe it draws us closer to God. He's revealing himself in a totally different way than when we focus on parts of the Bible here and there. This daily feeding of our minds on his word transforms us. It's not just about saying I did it, sort of ticking off a checklist. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself daily, to learn about him, to love him and come closer to him.
Jacqui:Now let's talk strategy. If you're new to this, where do you begin? Well, I recommend having a reading plan. This is a checklist of what you should be reading every day. This will help keep you focused on the reading and eliminate your need to decide what you have to read every day.
Jacqui:You have a number of options when it comes to plans, for instance, your Bible. Particularly if it's a study Bible, it's likely to include a one-year reading plan. Turn to the back after a revelation and look through there. It might be there. Also, there are plans you can download and print. I've included links to a few of these in the show notes. Some of these even include a place on their website where you can check off when you finish that day's reading and track your progress. Also, if you have the Logos app, they have a number of free reading plans. Also, there are Bible reading apps. I'm most familiar with the app called Daily Audio Bible, which allows you to read or listen to that day's readings and also track them right there on the free version of their app. The app is available for Apple and Android devices and they even have a web version as well. Finally, you can actually purchase a one-year Bible. The New Living Translation of the NLT One Year Bible was recommended by Sister Allison in one of our first Tuesday episodes. I'll include a link to that in the show notes.
Jacqui:Now, when thinking about those reading plans, you also have to make another decision what is your preferred order of reading. The three most common approaches are first, from beginning to end, you can read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in the order that it is in the Canon, the order that's found in your Bible. You can read it chronologically. That's what I'm doing. This is reading the books in the order in which they fit into the flow of biblical history. Also, there are plans that guide you through the Old Testament and New Testament simultaneously. Each day has an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, and some plans even include readings from the Psalms and wisdom literature as well. So we've decided on the reading plan. We're deciding on the order of the reading plan.
Jacqui:Let's talk about another big contributor to the success of your reading in the Bible in the year, and that's consistency. Believe me when I say you can do it, and here are a few tips to help keep you on track. You want to establish a daily routine for reading the Bible, whether it's in the morning or before bedtime. Choose a time that suits you, incorporate Bible reading into your calendar and consider even setting an alarm to ensure consistency. While it's beneficial to plan a specific time each day, prioritize the act of reading the Bible over the exact time or the exact location.
Jacqui:Another effective approach is to employ the habit stacking technique. I discussed this back in Season 1 in Episode 9. This is where you identify an activity you already do daily, such as making coffee, and pair that with reading the Bible. You can say to yourself after I make coffee, I'll read my Bible. This turns the routine of making coffee into a trigger that prompts you to engage in your Bible reading. Another important tip is to identify someone to go on this journey with you, or join or even start a Bible reading group. Sharing the experience makes it more engaging and enjoyable. You and your partner will be a great source of motivation for each other.
Jacqui:Remember that this is a Bible reading, not a Bible study effort. This is essential to keep in mind because it's easy to get off track when you come across a concept, a character, a word or a story that you want to know more about. In episode one of this season, Minister Velina recommends having a notepad nearby to jot those points down. This way, you won't get distracted and you can come back to them at another time. Finally, don't hesitate to use your audio Bible when needed, especially for those long genealogies, and an added benefit is you learn how to pronounce some of those biblical names and locations. You can get a free audio Bible using the U-version Bible Act and, often overlooked you can also listen to the Bible on YouTube.
Jacqui:Now, what about those days when life throws you a curveball and you miss your reading? Well, I have two thoughts about this. You take what speaks to you. The first is to be intentional about reading. Read when you feel like it and read when you don't feel like it. The other thought is life happens. Cut yourself some slack On those days. Don't stress about catching up. The goal is to connect with the word, not to perfect a routine. You can also explore audio versions. It's a different but equally valuable way to catch up on your readings. However you look at it, grace is our best friend. Remember, this isn't a race. It's a personal exploration. Missing a day doesn't mean failure and for those times when you need a change of pace, explore different translations or listen to worship music during your readings. In closing, I want to share my top one-year Bible reading tip. Pray.
Jacqui:Pray before each day's readings and ask the Holy Spirit for help and to provide wisdom and guidance. Here's a brief prayer from Ted Cooper Jr, the founder of the Bible in 90 Days program. He prays this before each one of his daily readings "Gracious Father, thank you for the gift that I hold in my hands. May your spirit fill me and interpret your precious words for me as I read them. In your Son's name, I pray Amen. As we conclude, consider today's insights a bookmark in your Bible reading journey.
Jacqui:Whether you decide to read the entire Bible through in a year, focus on devotional readings or engage with the Bible in another way, the important thing is to be in the Word of God. Email us at info@ bible-basics. org and let us know how you plan to read the Scripture in 2024. And may the transformative power of God's Word bless you and keep you daily. If you found this episode helpful, informative or inspirational in any way, would you please share with someone you know who needs to hear it. You can do that by sharing the podcast's website, bible-basics. org, or you can click on the Share button right where you're listening now. In closing, may the grace and peace of God be with you now and always.