Bible Basics

How to Develop a Lifelong Bible Reading Habit: The Atomic Habits Approach

Jacqueline Williams Adewole Season 1 Episode 9

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What is the secret to getting started and maintain a consistent Bible reading habit?  In this episode we share tips on how to cultivate a lifelong Bible reading routine and the strength it offers. Learn how I embraced the principles from James Clear's Atomic Habits - making it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying - to not just read, but to develop a life long Bible reading habit. Hear how setting a specific time and place, using visual reminders, finding a Bible translation that speaks to you, and starting with a manageable reading goal has helped me in my spiritual journey.

Coupling prayer with Bible reading can compound spiritual growth. Discover how an accountability partner or joining a Bible study group can help you stay consistent. The power of additional activities like journaling or listening to worship music during reading sessions can significantly enhance your experience. I'll walk you through my personal journey, the struggles I faced, and how I managed to build a consistent Bible reading practice. I've got some recommendations on what to read first and how to make your Bible reading sessions satisfying. Let's embark on this spiritual journey together, remembering that building a habit requires time and dedication. Don't wait for tomorrow, start today!


 Atomic Habits by James Clear (Amazon)

Chronological New Testament Bible Reading Plans:

Chronological New Testament Bible Reading Plan – Source:
Bible Reading Plans for 2023 – Source:
NT Chronological – Source:

Chronological Bible:

Chronological Study Bible, NIV - Thomas Nelson (Amazon)

Past Bible Basics Episodes:

Why is My Bible Different Than Yours? A Guide to Understanding Translations - Episode 1-4


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Note: All scripture references are from the NIV translation unless otherwise indicated.

Jacqui Adewole:

If you've ever felt overwhelmed or unsure about where to begin with the Scriptures, you're not alone. How do I get started reading the Bible? When is the best time to read the Bible? What should I read first? These are the most common questions we get here at Bible Basics. Many people, both new and seasoned Christians, struggle to establish a consistent habit of engaging with God's Word. But don't fear, because today we're going to equip you with practical principles that will transform your Bible reading into a lifelong pursuit. So stay tuned to this episode of the Bible Basics Podcast and get ready to discover how to make Bible reading an irresistible, enjoyable and deeply rewarding part of your daily life. Well, welcome everyone. I'm your host, Jacqui Adewole, and this is the Bible Basics Podcast, where weekly, we break down the Bible into understandable, bite-sized chunks. Greetings, friends. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a productivity enthusiast. Apart from Christian-related literature, my favorite genre is productivity. I'm always looking for tips and strategies to manage my time better and be more efficient and effective. One of my favorites is a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. James Clear is going to help us develop the lifelong Bible reading habit we're all longing for.

Jacqui Adewole:

Some of you I've spoken with are new to Christianity and want to begin reading the Bible. Some of you have been Christian for a long time but, for various reasons, did not develop the habit of reading the Bible. Don't worry, I understand. I had trouble building a consistent Bible reading practice as well. I always knew that I should read the Bible more, but for many years I just didn't make it a priority. I would try to read the Bible, but I would always get sidetracked or distracted. I realized that what I needed was advice on making Bible reading a habit. That is where Atomic Habits by James Clear comes in. I started applying his principles and have developed what I believe is a lasting Bible reading habit.

Jacqui Adewole:

Now I'd like to share a few of those principles with you. I believe they'll help you overcome any obstacles that might prevent you from reading the Bible consistently. Before we delve into the specifics, let's just take a moment to understand what atomic habits are. They refer to tiny changes, marginal gains, small improvements over time that are the building blocks of remarkable results. James Clear introduces four principles that can transform our habits into atomic habits. Those four principles are one making it obvious, two, making it attractive, three, making it easy and four, making it satisfying. Now let's see how we can apply these principles to our Bible reading habit. The first principle making it obvious, emphasizes the importance of clarity in habit formation when it comes to Bible reading, being intentional and creating a conducive environment can make a world of difference. Here are a few tips to make your Bible reading habit more obvious.

Jacqui Adewole:

First, set a specific time and place for your reading sessions. First thing, in the morning works best for me, but feel free to use any time that will work consistently for you. As James Clear says, you don't rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. This means you may have a goal to read the Bible daily, but that only works if you have a system in place to accomplish that. Part of that system would be setting the time and place for your reading. Another piece of your system would be incorporating visual clues, like leaving your Bible in a visible location. For example, I once recommended to a friend who was unable to make time to read in the morning that she should place her Bible on her desk before she leaves her office in the evening. When she comes to work, the Bible is right there with a placeholder where she left off. Third, you might want to take advantage of reminders or alarms on your phone or computer. Personally, these automated reminders are lifesavers for me.

Jacqui Adewole:

The next principle we'll talk about is making your Bible reading habit attractive. We've covered how to make it obvious, so now we're going to look at how to make it attractive. Motivation plays a significant role in habit formation, so finding ways to make Bible reading enjoyable and engaging is key. Here's some ideas to make your Bible reading habit more attractive. First, find a Bible translation or a version that resonates with you. Personally, I use the NIV. If you want to learn more about Bible translations, check out the podcast episode on that topic. The link will be in the show notes. Also, use a Bible platform that works best for you, whether it's a paper Bible, a Bible app or audio Bible. Those are the most common options. Second, you want to join a Bible study group or find an accountability partner to share your journey with. One of the most powerful Bible reading experiences I've ever had was a challenge to read the entire Bible in 90 days. Yes, I said 90 days. The only reason I was able to do that was because it was a group effort. We had an online group chat, so we encouraged each other during the week, and on Saturday mornings we joined a Zoom call to discuss the week's readings. The accountability and the camaraderie forced me and the other group members to stick with it. Third, you want to incorporate additional activities like journaling or listening to worship music while you're reading. We've covered making the Bible reading habit obvious and attractive. Now we'll discuss making our Bible reading habit easy, which is crucial for long-term success. Simplifying the process removes barriers and makes it more likely for us to follow through.

Jacqui Adewole:

Consider the following strategies to make your Bible reading habit easy. First, start with a manageable reading goal, such as a few verses or a single chapter a day. You can even plan to read for just five minutes daily. That's something that's doable. We brush our teeth for two minutes in the morning and two minutes in the evening. That's a total of four minutes. I don't hear people saying I don't have time to brush my teeth. You can do the same with reading the Bible. Start with a small portion. If you can do that consistently over time, you'll notice that you're making great progress.

Jacqui Adewole:

I know that when we're motivated, we tend to want to do a lot. However, I recommend reading short passages daily when you're getting started, because motivation will wear off and I want you to read anyway. Just think about what happens in the gym at the beginning of the year All the highly motivated people who put on working out on their New Year's resolution are packed in the gym. You have to wait in a queue to get to the treadmill. Now look again a few months later. No wait, no line. Why? Because motivation has worn off and only those who made working out a habit are left. Consider breaking down your reading into smaller sessions throughout the day, if needed, maybe morning and evening, maybe listening to your Bible on the audio Bible, doing your commute going to and from work.

Jacqui Adewole:

Third, consider using study guides, reading plans or devotionals to provide structure and guidance. I'd like to pause here and talk a bit about where to start. In other words, what should we be reading? I believe that if I ask 12 people what we should read in the Bible first, when we're just starting out, I'd get 12 different answers. So what I'm suggesting to you right now is Jacqui's recommendation. In future episodes, I'll be having conversations with people much more experienced in Bible reading than I am. I'll be asking them about their recommendation on what we should begin reading. So you'll be getting a variety of different perspectives on this.

Jacqui Adewole:

Anyway, I suggest you start with the New Testament and you read it in chronological order. I believe it helps to understand the storyline better. I found it to be more meaningful to read through the Bible as events occurred. I'm in the midst of reading of the New Testament. I just finished the Gospels, and I came out of it with a more intimate and personal understanding of Jesus and his life here on earth. Just by reading along as events occurred, I felt as if I was walking along with him. I was with the disciples. It was a very powerful experience. Now there are two ways you can do this. You can use a chronological Bible reading plan. I'll post a few of them in the show notes. That's what I use. Or you can use a Bible that itself is organized chronologically. I'll link you to one of those as well.

Jacqui Adewole:

Okay, now let's get back to that last principle for developing a consistent habit. We need to make our Bible reading habits satisfying. Immediate rewards help reinforce our habits and create positive associations. Here are a few ideas to make your Bible reading habit more satisfying. One- take time to reflect on the insights and lessons you gain from your reading as you go through your day. Meditate on what you read that morning, keep a gratitude journal and note the positive impact of Bible reading in your life or three. Share your experiences and insights with others, whether through discussions or even online communities.

Jacqui Adewole:

I want to conclude with the most important element of building this Bible reading habit, and that is to pray and ask God to give you a desire to hear directly from Him through His Word. And that's a wrap for today's episode. We've explored the principles of atomic habits and applied them to building our Bible reading habits. Remember, developing a habit takes time and consistency, so be patient with yourself, start implementing these principles and watch your Bible reading habit flourish. Thank you for tuning in. If this has been beneficial for you, please share it with others and subscribe or follow, and all you Apple Podcast listeners, drop a review.

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